
TODAY is a Nordic coaching company. We help founders, VC’s, leaders & teams - succeed, grow, and build a better tomorrow.



Upcoming Book Launch

Life as an entrepreneur is a constant ride of ups and downs, filled with uncertainty and intense pressure. This book provides practical tools to manage your mental well-being and maintain peak performance. Through interviews with successful founder/CEOs from Soundboks, Joe & the Juice, Clio, Maven Clinic etc., you'll gain valuable insights into overcoming challenges and sustaining success.

Pre-order in Danish here.

The Book will be launched in English in the spring. Make sure to join the list to get notified.







TODAY is a coaching company, helping founders, VC’s, leaders & teams - succeed, grow and build a better tomorrow.

Whether you are a startup building your company, an established corporate transforming your company or a VC/Investor enabling company growth- one thing is sure - it requires profound mental resilience, excellent human understanding and a great deal of empathy. It requires extraordinary minds to do extraordinary things. We help you, your team or startup/organisation to grow extraordinary minds that are ready to make profound and positive impact on the world.

Cecilie is the founder of Today. She holds an MSc in Business & Psychology and has +13 years of experience in the tech space. She is a driven coach, specialized in founder and leadership development - partnering with VC's, CVC's, Funds, and Startups/Scaleups.

To deliver great results and bring the best to our clients, Today has established a strong network of high-caliber coaches, business psychologists, trainers and advisors who can add the extra value to a process. We are data driven, emotional enthusiasts and hands on humans with a high level of integrity – and so are our clients.




Syv mentale fælder: Usikkerhed, frygt og tvivl er hele essensen af at være iværksætter

Interview in Børsen Read more


Når frygt presser iværksættere: “Pas på at tunnelsyn og micromanagement ikke erstatter drømmene”

Interview in TechSavvy on mental health in startups. Read it here


The one thing start-ups forget to invest in

Interview Bioinnovation Institute. Read more


Founder! You are not alone

The 7 most common mental challenges founders are facing while building their business. Read more


Do you and your founder team need an
executive coach? — A look at the new normal


Let’s Not Go Mental — the VC role in changing the mental health of startup founders

Article about my work with PreSeed Ventures Read more


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