

Syv mentale fælder: Usikkerhed, frygt og tvivl er hele essensen af at være iværksætter

Bla bla. Read more


Når frygt presser iværksættere: “Pas på at tunnelsyn og micromanagement ikke erstatter drømmene”

Interview in TechSavvy on mental health in startups. Read more


The one thing start-ups forget to invest in

Interview Bioinnovation Institute. Read more


Founder! You are not alone

The 7 most common mental challenges founders are facing while building their business. Read more


Do you and your founder team need an
executive coach? — A look at the new normal


Let’s Not Go Mental — the VC role in changing the mental health of startup founders


Mental sundhed i startups: “En syg høne lægger ikke guldæg”

Interview in TechSavvy on mental health in startups. Read it here


Most startups need some serious mental help | Cecilie Willer

Podcast from HiCash Listen here.


Podcast- How to create a sustainable mind, to create a successful startup

The importance of having mental health at the top agenda as an investor and a founder- to ensure top performance and minimize the risk of burnout. Listen here

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Organisational Change, done the start-up way

There is a new way of creating organisational change. A method that is more effective, involving and ultimately is inspired by how new companies are changing the world. Read more


Podcast – Change process as an innovative start-up with Cecilie Willer

About how to work with change processes inspired by how startups work and operate (It’s in Danish-Sorry). Listen here